About the Author

A self-described lover of words, ideas, and beauty in all its forms, Hubert Edward Devine was born in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia on the second day of June 1951. He spent his early childhood in Yarmouth before moving to Germany with his family. Returning to Canada in 1957, he lived for a time in Petawawa, Ontario, eventually returning to Nova Scotia, where he has lived since. His literary fiction novels, written relatively late in life, contain broad autobiographical elements, inspired, in part, by actual events and the lives of real people.
Hubert earned a Bachelor of Arts degree (summa cum laude) from Saint Mary’s University in 1974, majoring in philosophy and languages. He later graduated from Dalhousie University with a Master of Arts degree in Classics, focusing on classical philosophy and furthering his study of languages – notably Latin, German, and ancient Greek. While at Dalhousie, he was a Killam Scholar and was awarded a Canada Council Fellowship.
Though on a straight path to further academic studies, Hubert took a summer job in the community services field in 1975. This led rather unexpectedly to a long and practical career in the helping professions; first in community services, then addiction and mental health services, and finally quality management. With no specific education in these relatively specialized fields, he was nevertheless able to work successfully over a forty-eight-year period in a variety of front-line and leadership positions.
As the years passed, and notwithstanding an abiding passion for philosophy, Hubert was increasingly drawn to writing fiction. While he had written short stories and non-fiction articles as a young adult, it wasn’t until 2005 that he began writing in earnest. By then, what had long been a peripheral interest had become a compulsion. There were stories he had to write.
He soon completed a collection of fourteen short stories as well as two screen plays. Acting on advice from a publisher, and drawing material from his short stories, he completed his first novel Dark Angels in 2011, published in 2016 by Three Dogs Press, with a second edition in 2017 by Cathydia Press. Over a four-year period from 2019 to 2023, he completed his two newest novels: All the Stars in the Sky and The Eyes of Bats (a duology), both published by Friesen Press in early 2024.
Author of literary fiction, student of philosophy, husband, father―Hubert lives in Yarmouth, devoting his time to writing, philosophy, his family, and … another long-embraced passion … motorcycling.
Hubert earned a Bachelor of Arts degree (summa cum laude) from Saint Mary’s University in 1974, majoring in philosophy and languages. He later graduated from Dalhousie University with a Master of Arts degree in Classics, focusing on classical philosophy and furthering his study of languages – notably Latin, German, and ancient Greek. While at Dalhousie, he was a Killam Scholar and was awarded a Canada Council Fellowship.
Though on a straight path to further academic studies, Hubert took a summer job in the community services field in 1975. This led rather unexpectedly to a long and practical career in the helping professions; first in community services, then addiction and mental health services, and finally quality management. With no specific education in these relatively specialized fields, he was nevertheless able to work successfully over a forty-eight-year period in a variety of front-line and leadership positions.
As the years passed, and notwithstanding an abiding passion for philosophy, Hubert was increasingly drawn to writing fiction. While he had written short stories and non-fiction articles as a young adult, it wasn’t until 2005 that he began writing in earnest. By then, what had long been a peripheral interest had become a compulsion. There were stories he had to write.
He soon completed a collection of fourteen short stories as well as two screen plays. Acting on advice from a publisher, and drawing material from his short stories, he completed his first novel Dark Angels in 2011, published in 2016 by Three Dogs Press, with a second edition in 2017 by Cathydia Press. Over a four-year period from 2019 to 2023, he completed his two newest novels: All the Stars in the Sky and The Eyes of Bats (a duology), both published by Friesen Press in early 2024.
Author of literary fiction, student of philosophy, husband, father―Hubert lives in Yarmouth, devoting his time to writing, philosophy, his family, and … another long-embraced passion … motorcycling.